Right now you can get Bedtime Stories at Target for $16.99
1. Use $5.00 coupon and Pay $11.99
2. Submit for $5.00 Ortega/Bedtime Stories Rebate
3. Submit for $5.00 Rayovac/Disney Rebate
End up paying $1.99
Tips: The Rayovac rebate will allow a photocopy receipt. There are two proof of purchase tabs on each Disney DVD so you can use two different rebates only as long as they will allow a photocopy receipt or better yet ask the clerk for a duplicate receipt.
When you buy both Disney Bedtime Stories plus Tigger and Pooh and a Musical Too for $17.99, you get a $10.00 Target Gift Card.
Bedtime Stories and Tigger and Pooh and a Musical Too $16.99 + $17.99 = $34.98
Use $5.00 coupon from Disney
Many stores have peelies for $6 off on Tigger and Pooh
Pay $23.99 Out of Pocket
Get $10.00 Target Gift Card
Total Cost for Both Movies after Gift Card and Rebate $3.99
I hope you don't mind,I am posting about you on my blog. I think my son-in-law met you at the concert Sunday and was telling his wife all about you. We have kust started the coupon thing and I hope to bring some ladies your way.